Base address are known as segment address in IBM pcs and compatibles; data in these computers is identified by its position as a relative offset the start of the segment. 在IBMPC和兼容机中的数据按其相对于由段开始的相对偏移位置被识别。
Process A annexes, or maps, the shared memory segment into its own address space. 进程A把共享内存段连接(即映射)到自己的地址空间。
However, a shared memory segment cannot be "split" across quadrants and be guaranteed a contiguous address space. 但是,共享内存段不能跨象限“拆分”,而应该保证是一个连续的地址空间。
Native memory leaks are memory leaks in non-Java code; for example, in Type-II JDBC drivers, or fragmentation in the non-heap segment of the Java process's address space. 本机内存泄漏是非Java代码中的内存泄漏;例如,在Type-IIJDBC驱动程序或者Java进程的地址空间中的非堆段内的碎片。
The Esid, meaning Effective Segment ID, is the segment ID within the scope of the process's address space ( just terminology; don't let it confuse you). Esid表示有效段ID(EffectiveSegmentID),是位于进程地址空间范围内的段ID(仅仅是术语,不要为此感到困惑)。
, where the shared segment of memory is assigned local addresses in each process 'own address space. ,它给共享内存段分配每个进程的地址空间中的本地地址。
It is possible to load the shared library segment to a lower address, leaving less room for the instance shared memory, bur more room for the database shared memory. 将共享库装载到一个较低的地址,从而使留给实例共享内存的空间更少,留给数据库共享内存的空间更多。
Demonstrate how to segment the solution requirements, and show which product components and tools to use to address the key functional areas. 展示如何对解决方案需求进行划分,显示使用哪些产品组件和工具解决关键功能领域。
SEGMENT your RESULTS to address the DIVERSITY of your WORKFORCE and to address your WORKFORCE groups and SEGMENTS, as appropriate. 必要时,可将结果按员工构成的多样性和员工群体加以细分。
To ensure that both the DR and the BDR see the link-states all routers send on the segment, the multicast address for all designated routers,, is used. 为保证DR和BDR两者知道在这区段所有路由器发送的链路状态,给所有指定路由器的多点广播位址224.0.0.6被使用。
The CS register has two parts: the visible segment selector part and the hidden base address part. CS寄存器有两个部分:可见段选择子部分和隐藏的基地址部分。
Algorithm to Segment and Recognize Handwritten Chinese Characters Using Address Interpretation 与地址解释相结合的手写体汉字切分识别算法
A novel segment extraction method is proposed to address the problem of connected-stroke characters. 针对手写体汉字的连笔书写问题,提出了一种去除连笔的笔段提取方法。